Apex eRig is a revolutionary Smart, Hand-held Portable Dab e-Rig that supports both wax dabbing and dry herb smoking.
When you hold the metal base da..
Here comes the Original Greenlightvape G9 E PRO Portable Electric Dabbing Rig E nail Wax Vaporizer,
The EPro Wax Vaporizer from Greenlight Vapes is an..
Here comes Greenlightvape G9 Mini Henail Enail Pocket Portable Rig Dab Bong Wax Pen Vaporizer, the G9 Mini Henail is a pocket-sized dabber allowing th..
Here comes the Hato H2 Wax Vaporizer Erig Dab 2800mAh, which runs on an integrated 2800mAh battery rechargeable by the Type-C port. The availability o..
Hato H3 is a portable Erig Kit that can help you to heat your concentrates and essential oils, which provides a variety of function bowl options inclu..
Here comes the Hato Sindim Wax Vaporizer Erig Dab 2600mAh, which is updated by Hato H2 Wax Vaporizer Erig Dab which is also available on buyecigkits a..